What is Dual Language Immersion?
SABE teaches biliteracy using a dual language immersion program teaching Spanish and English. Teachers are trained and licensed to teach more than the typical educational program. Through using best practice in language teaching, teachers use strategies and methods to help students acquire the language, whichever they are learning. SABE’s students will achieve proficiency in both English and Spanish to a degree that provides competency for real-life and academic situations.
What is a 50:50 Dual Language Model?
Our 50:50 Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program maintains 50% of instruction in Spanish and 50% in English throughout the day. Typically our elementary (K-6th Grade) model focuses on English Language Arts, Math, and Science & Social Studies in English, while Spanish Language Arts and Science & Social Studies are in Spanish. We use GLAD instructional strategies to present the content through language learning while developing both the English and Spanish academic skills. All teachers hold the required licenses and endorsements to teach their area of expertise.

What about Native Spanish Speakers?
According to the 2010 U.S. Census, one in five people in Rio Rancho speaks a language other than English at home. One in six speaks Spanish at home. Historically, students learning English as a second language in Rio Rancho have had English and math proficiency levels that are about half of those who speak English as a native language. By teaching children to read in their home language, Spanish, we close the achievement gap by giving them a jump on literacy that is easily transferable to English.
What about Native English Speakers?
More than twenty years of research has shown that English speakers learning Spanish become proficient in two languages, they score as well as or better than their non-dual language peers on standardized tests of math and English language arts. They also develop a positive sense of self and demonstrate a positive cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors. Additionally, research by Lindholm-Leary & Drs. Thomas & Collier shows that there are fewer high school drop-outs from dual language programs than from other programs. And, your child does not need to know Spanish or be bilingual to take part in our school program.